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Kunzite "Divine Love"

Kunzite "Divine Love"

Light pink kunzite supports and cleanses the heart chakra. This is a very calming stone, reduces stress, especially related to matters of the heart, and feels like a warm hug when holding and meditating on it. It is called the divine love stone, able to connect you to a deeper source of love and be able to experience and reciprocate love and better communication.

Medium, thick: ~2 inches


~~All crystals on this site are natural, real, from the earth, and handpicked for visible and energrtic properties~~

Please cleanse all crystals and charge according to your preferences once received. Best cleansing practices are tuning fork sound baths, cleansing with selenite, burning sage to smoke around the crystal, or washing with spring water charged with your own vocal energy using cleansing words. Best charging practice is in direct sunlight or full moonlight.

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